• Gottlieb Velazquez posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago

    A: Well, I need ideas if I would personally really concur with that. I do think there are certain experiences which people can have while we are in dream state are actually true experiences, and some of them are even mystical experiences – but I wouldn’t point out that is true of all our dream-state dealings.

    Most of what is described here in terms of esoteric teachings of the Soul’s purpose and the constituents of the Soul and Spirit come across beyond two souls way of my studies of the Ascended Masters teachings, including Jesus and Saint Germain.

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    But it wishes to be aware Its thoughts would wind up as if they are lived elsewhere. So we have taken residence in physical bodies to discovery. It is in what we perceive as physical that turn out to be experience.

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    The body dies, nevertheless the soul doesn’t. It is transmigrated through countless bodies unless you have experienced all you wish and reached the amount of enlightenment meant for you to obtain. So, yes, a person more than your frame.

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